In case you smell smoke or see fire in your building, it's crucial to react quickly to ensure your safety and that of others. Here are the steps to take in such a situation:
Alert others: Pull the closest fire alarm lever or break the glass bulb to notify everyone in the building about the fire. The piercing sound will alert people and initiate the building's fire suppression system.
Evacuate the building: Leave the building as soon as possible, using the nearest emergency exit. Avoid using the elevator, as the smoke and flames could spread quickly inside the enclosed space.
Close doors behind you: Close doors behind you as you exit to slow down the spread of smoke and flames. This will also help in maintaining a safe environment for those who are still inside the building.
Call 999: Dial 999 to report the fire and provide your accurate location to the emergency services. They will dispatch fire trucks and firefighters to the scene immediately.
Maintain your composure: Stay calm and composed throughout the situation. Panicking will only hinder your ability to react effectively and safely.
Avoid re-entering: Do not re-enter the building until the fire service has declared it safe to do so. They will assess the situation and ensure that the fire is completely extinguished and the building is secure.
Follow the instructions of the fire service: Once you are outside the building, cooperate with the fire service personnel. Follow their instructions and instructions on where to gather and avoid interfering with their operations.
Additional precautions to minimize fire hazards:
Familiarize yourself with the fire escape plan for your building, including the location of exits and assembly points.
Practice fire drills on a regular basis so that everyone is familiar with the site evacuation procedures and can react promptly in case of a fire.
Keep fire extinguishers in easily accessible places and know how to use them properly.
Create a fire safety plan for your home or workplace, including designated roles and responsibilities for fire emergencies.
Keep any flammable materials away from heat sources and follow safety guidelines for using electrical appliances and cooking equipment.
Never leave cooking unattended to prevent accidental fires.
Install battery-operated smoke alarms on every level of your home, including the basement and attic. Test the smoke alarms in your building monthly and replace the batteries at least once a year.